
How Affiliate Marketing Can Maximize Your Blog Traffic

Affiliate Marketing is something that allows you to get paid based on the hard work you have done to increase your marketing tactics. It can be anything like promoting any product or service and getting a commission at a required time. If you are publishing any blog, there are mainly 3 kinds of people, they are: Visitor 2. Advertiser 3. Affiliate The Visitor is also called an audience member who goes through your  website  or application. The advertiser can be a company or the entrepreneur who is set to promote their company and have multiple products and brands offering to the people. The affiliate is the person who is working and generating a relationship with the people to showcase your products and brands that are mentioned on your website or a blog. This will help the affiliate to improve their living standard and income. If we check the past year’s graphs, there are several contents covered on a website that helped the affiliate to increase 175% in Affiliate Network Participatio

How to use Google Search Console to Drive More Search Traffic on Your Website

  Google is one of the renowned platforms where everyone comes to search, find outs, or look for a solution. Most of the traffic is generated because of the search engine on Google as people are searching to satisfy their needs and requirements. Today  Vellko Media  will be discussing how to use Google Search Console . If you are looking to drive most of the traffic for your website business then  Google  will help you to rank your popular pages of a website. There are some popular keywords that people usually enter in the Search Console. So, we have to strategize our things in such a way so that our website may appear on the top of the ranking and people may easily visit our website. All we have to do is attract our required customers to a proper destination. There are Google’s Algorithms that rank each page according to the content relevancy. If a person enters a keyword and your website page matches the same optimized content with that keyword then Google will easily fetch your webs

7 Ways to Earn More with Affiliate Marketing in 2020

If you are running an organization and looking to earn more money, then your products and services are the only vigorous resources that can avail to get as many results if performed on a strategized path. So  Vellko media  is there to avail you of how to engender revenue by Affiliate Marketing online business. As there are many types of Affiliate Marketing Opportunities then one needs to gain if he is choosing the best quality regarding it. -How to gain traffic/ Leads? -How to sell out the product by an affiliate online? -What are the best affiliate programs to make money? -What is the desideratum of the affiliate marketer website? Now let’s discuss the tips piecemeal How to find your Niche Before finding any niche try to find what are the authoritative ordinances and prospects from customers and try to consummate them by following the ordinant dictations and path to find your strategy. Many people understand the desiderata and then commence by availing those customers. This can take y